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Carlos Alberto de Bragança Pereira

Born on 7/1/1946, his first job was as a Quality Control technician at General Electric in Maria das Graças, Rio de Janeiro from 1964 to 1966 when he transferred, as a teaching assistant in statistics, to the Public Health Education Foundation, FENSP, from the Oswaldo Cruz Institute, Rio de Janeiro. He graduated in Statistics in 1968 from ENCE-National School of Statistical Sciences and was hired as an assistant teacher by USP-University of São Paulo - on 05/19/1969. He obtained a master's degree in Statistics from USP in 1971, when he became an assistant professor at IME, Institute of Mathematics and Statistics at USP. He also obtained an MSc from FSU - Florida State University - in 1978 and a PhD in Statistics from FSU in 1980. He holds the title of Lecturer (Livre Docente) obtained from IME/USP 1984 and was appointed as associate Professor (adjunct) in 1988. The Full Professor position was obtained in 1990. Due to his age, he became a Senior Lecturer in 2016 and holds that position to date. During the biennial period 86/87 he worked as a Visiting Research Engineer at the University of California, UC Berkeley. Also, he was a visiting professor in the biennial period 18/20 at UFMS, the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. He has experience in the areas of Probability and Statistics, with emphasis on Fundamentals of Statistics, working mainly in medical, biological, and financial applications. His favorite subjects are Bayesian Prediction, Hypothesis Testing and Bioinformatics. As an administrator he was, in IME/USP, three times the head of the Statistics Department at and head of the USP Bioinformatics Lab. With groups from alternative scientific areas, he has participated as principal investigator. He was an IME director from 1994 to 1998. He participated in numerous boards for teaching career competitions and master's, doctoral and lecturer defenses. He supervised 29 MSc dissertations and 30 PhD theses. He was an OAS, Organization of the American States, an observer in several elections in Latin America (Nicaragua, El Salvador, Haiti and Paraguay). He acts as an ad hoc consultant for CNPq, CAPES and FAPESP. With over 9,800 citations, the Google Productivity H Index is 54! The number of works with more than 9 citations is 155. He was editor of some conference books, translator of a book by David Blackwell, associate editor and special edition editor of Entropy magazine.

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Affiliation: Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, University of São Paulo, Rua do Matão, 1010, São Paulo 05508-900, Brazil


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