1. PERICCHI, LUIS R. G. ; Pereira, Carlos A. B. . Towards a general theory of optimal testing, 2012. v. 1490. p. 31-35.
2. BHERING, F. L. ; POLPO, A. ; PEREIRA, C. A. DE B. . A hierarchical Weibull Bayesian model for series and parallel systems, 2012. v. 1490. p. 59-66.
3. DE MELO, BRIAN A. R. ; CESAR, RAONY C. C. ; Pereira, Carlos A. B. . Sample sizes to estimate proportions and correlation. In: XI BRAZILIAN MEETING ON BAYESIAN STATISTICS: EBEB 2012, 2012, Amparo-SP. AIP Conference Proceedings 1490, 2012. v. 1490. p. 222-229.
4. Pereira, Carlos A. B.; CAMPOS, THIAGO F. ; SILVA, GUSTAVO M. ; Wechsler, Sergio . Can randomization be informative?. In: XI BRAZILIAN MEETING ON BAYESIAN STATISTICS: EBEB 2012, 2012, Amparo-SP. AIP Conference Proceedings 1490, 2012. v. 1490. p. 252-258.
5. POLPO, A. ; SINHA, D. ; SIMIONI, P. R. ; Pereira, C. A. B. . A discussion of ¿On Bayesian estimation of a survival curve: Comparative study and examples¿, 2012. v. 1490. p. 268-277.
6. LAURETTO, MARCELO DE SOUZA ; NAKANO, FA'BIO ; PEREIRA, CARLOS ALBERTO DE BRAGANC'A ; Stern, Julio Michael . Intentional sampling by goal optimization with decoupling by stochastic perturbation. In: XI BRAZILIAN MEETING ON BAYESIAN STATISTICS: EBEB 2012, 2012, Amparo-SP. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2012. v. 1490. p. 189-201.
7. HUMES JR., CARLOS ; LAURETTO, MARCELO S. ; NAKANO, FA'BIO ; Pereira, Carlos A. B. ; RAFARE, GUILHERME F.G. ; Stern, Julio Michael . TORC3: Token-ring clearing heuristic for currency circulation. In: XI BRAZILIAN MEETING ON BAYESIAN STATISTICS: EBEB 2012, 2012, Amparo-SP. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2012. v. 1490. p. 179-188.
8. Stern, Julio Michael ; de Bragança Pereira, Carlos Alberto . Valores Epistêmicos Bayesianos: Foca na Surpresa, Mede Probabilidade!. In: Segundo Congresso Brasileiro de Sistemas Fuzzy, 2012, Natal. CBSF2.SBMAC. Rio de Janeiro: SBMAC, 2012. v. 2. p. 1062-1083.
10. CAMPOS, A. P. ; COQUE JUNIOR, M. A. ; PEREIRA, CAB . Statistical Analysis for Weibull Distributions in Presence of Right and Left Censoring. In: 8th International Conference onReliability, Maintainability and Safety, 2009. ICRMS 2009., 2009, Chengdu. Reliability, Maintainability and Safety, 2009. ICRMS 2009. 8th International Conference on. Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE Xplore, 2009. p. 219-223.
11. Polpo, Adriano ; COQUE-, MARCOS ; PEREIRA, CARLOS . Statistical analysis for weibull distributions in presence of right and left censoring. In: 2009 8th International Conference on Reliability, Maintainability and Safety (ICRMS 2009), 2009, Chengdu. 2009 8th International Conference on Reliability, Maintainability and Safety, 2009. v. 1. p. 219-223.
12. LAURETTO, M. ; NAKANO, F. ; Pereira, C. A. B. ; STERN, J. M. ; DE SOUZA LAURETTO, MARCELO ; DE BRAGANCA PEREIRA, CARLOS ALBERTO ; Stern, Julio Michael . Hierarchical Forecasting with Functional Trees, 2008. v. 1073. p. 136-143.
13. STERN, RAFAEL B. ; DE B. PEREIRA, CARLOS A. ; DE SOUZA LAURETTO, MARCELO ; DE BRAGANCA PEREIRA, CARLOS ALBERTO ; Stern, Julio Michael . A possible foundation for Blackwell¿s Equivalence. In: BAYESIAN INFERENCE AND MAXIMUM ENTROPY METHODS IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING: Proceedings of the 28th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering, 2008, Boraceia. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2008. v. 1073. p. 90-95.
14. Wechsler, Sergio ; DE B. PEREIRA, CARLOS A. ; MARQUES F., PAULO C. ; DE SOUZA LAURETTO, MARCELO ; DE BRAGANCA PEREIRA, CARLOS ALBERTO ; Stern, Julio Michael . Birnbaum¿s Theorem Redux. In: BAYESIAN INFERENCE AND MAXIMUM ENTROPY METHODS IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING: Proceedings of the 28th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering, 2008, Boraceia. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2008. v. 1073. p. 96-100.
15. DINIZ, M. ; Pereira, C. A. B. ; STERN, J. M. ; DE SOUZA LAURETTO, MARCELO ; DE BRAGANCA PEREIRA, CARLOS ALBERTO ; Stern, Julio Michael . FBST for Cointegration Problems. In: BAYESIAN INFERENCE AND MAXIMUM ENTROPY METHODS IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING: Proceedings of the 28th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering, 2008, Boraceia. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2008. v. 1073. p. 157-164.
16. PEREIRA, CAB. STANDARD STATISTICAL CONCEPTS: CAN THEY PRODUCE INCOHERENCE?. In: ICOTS-7, 2006, 2006, Salvador. ICOTS-7. Auckland: IASE - Publications, 2006. v. 17. p. 1-6.
17. PEREIRA, CAB; NAKANO, F ; STERN, J. . A Model for Defined Benefit Plans. In: First Brazilian Conference on Statistical Modelling in Insurance and Finance, 2003, Ubatuba. Proceedings of the First Brazilian Conference on Statistical Modelling in Insurance and Finance, 2003. p. 176-181.
18. PEREIRA, CAB; STERN, J. . FBST Regularization and Model Selection. In: ISAS'2001, 2001, Orlando. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis, 2001. v. 7. p. 60-65.
19. PEREIRA, CAB; STERN, J. . Full Bayesian Significance Tests for Coefficients of Variation. In: ISBA 2001, 2001, Creta. Bayesian Methods with Applications to Science, Policy, and Official Statístics, 2001. p. 391-400.
20. PEREIRA, CAB; NAKANO, F. ; STERN, J. . Actuarial Analysis via Brandching Processes. In: ISAS'2000, 2000, Orlando. Annals of the 6th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis, 2000. v. 8. p. 353-358.
21. PEREIRA, CAB; STERN, J. ; NAKANO, F . A dynamic software certification and verification procedure. In: ISAS'99, 1999, Orlando. ISAS'99, 1999. v. 2. p. 426-435.
22. PEREIRA, CAB; MILIDIU, R. L. . Mixture Models for Geo-Chemical Surfaces. In: 34º Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, 1992. Anais do 34º Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, 1992. p. 4.
23. PEREIRA, CAB; SINGER, J. M. ; CARVALHO, J. F. . Contagem Rápida nas Eleições Nicaraguenses de 1990. In: Simpósio Nacional de Probabilidade e Estatística, 1990, São Paulo. Atas do 9º SINAPE, 1990. p. 162-175.
24. PEREIRA, CAB; IMPERATRIZ, I. M. M. ; COSTA, M. C. C. ; STURLINI, R. M. G. . Método de Amostragem para Obtenção de Dados Anuais de Movimento bibliográfico. In: 4º Seminário Nacional de Bibliotecas Universitárias, 1985, Campinas, 1985. p. 300-307.
25. PEREIRA, CAB. Argumento Bayesiano. In: Taller Regional Sobre Estadítica e Informacion para la Panificacion Y Administracion de Programas Y Proyectos de Alfabetizacion Y Educacion de Adultos, 1984, Quito, 1984. v. 33. p. 95-99.
26. PEREIRA, CAB. On Bayesian Analysis of Categorical Data in Finite Populations. In: 13º Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática, 1983, Rio de Janeiro. Atas do 13º Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática. Rio de Janeiro: IMPA, 1983. p. 207-214.
27. PEREIRA, CAB; BASU, D. . A Note on Blackwell Sufficiency. In: 5º Simpósio Nacional de Probabilidade e Estatística, 1983, São Paulo. Atas do 5º Simpósio Nacional de Probabilidade e Estatística. São Paulo: IME - USP, 1983. p. 183-185.
28. PEREIRA, CAB. Regras de Parada e Inferência Condicional em Tabelas de Contingência 2 x 2. In: 14º Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática, 1983, Poços de Caldas, 1983.
29. PEREIRA, CAB; BOLFARINE, H. ; RODRIGUES, J. . Bayesian Robustness in Finite Populations. In: 14º Colóquio Brasileiros de Matemática, 1983, Poços de Caldas, 1983.
30. PEREIRA, CAB; BARROS, O. M. ; MARCHESI, J. P. F. ; GATTI, B. A. . Analysis de la Frequence de Retino Pathie Diabetique quant au Sexe, age et temps de dureé de la Meladie: etude de 563 cas. In: Concilium Ophtamologicum, 1976, Paris. Concilium Ophtamologicum. Paris, 1974. v. 22. p. 530-538.