Theses and Dissertations
Publications for General Public
Scientific Journals
Book Chapters/Complete Papers in Proceedings
1. CAB Pereira (1971), Estimation of a priori probability in a classification problem, São Paulo, IME-USP, 26p (In Portuguese) - Master Dissertation. TD
2. CAB Pereira (1980), Bayesian solutions to some classical problems of statistic, Tallahassee, The Florida State University, 107p - PhD Thesis. TD
3. CAB Pereira (1985), Hypotheses Testing Defined on Spaces of Different Dimensions: Bayesian Perspective and Classical Interpretation. São Paulo, IME-USP, 107p (In Portuguese), Associate Professor Thesis. TD
4. D Blackwell; Estatística Básica (Basic Statistic), Translation by CAB Pereira and W Borges. São Paulo, McGraw-Hill do Brasil, 1973.143p. P
5. CAB Pereira (1989), Prévias Eleitorais. O Estado de São Paulo Newspaper, 2nd page of the 22/11/89 edition. P
6. CAB Pereira (1990), Missão: salvar eleição da Nicarágua. Jornal da USP, São Paulo, p. 8, 26/03/90 edition. P
7. CAB Pereira (1990), Brasileiros dão contribuição anônima à paz na Nicarágua. O Povo, Fortaleza, p 36A, 03/06/90 edition. P
8. CAB Pereira; JM Singer; JF de Carvalho (1990), Quick Count Method: The 1990 Nicaraguan Election. Annals 9th Braz Symp of Probability & Statistics 162-75 (In Portuguese). P
9. CAB Pereira; S Wechsler (1994), Sobre a Intenção das Pesquisas de Intenção de Voto. O Estado de São Paulo Newspaper, 2nd page of the 18/03/94 edition. P
10. CAB Pereira; M. Albers (1995), Medicine and Statistics. Revista do HC e da FM da USP 50(5):294-6 (In Portuguese). P
11. CAB Pereira (1995), Statistics and Information. Boletim da ABE 30(1):31-7, and Boletim Informativo da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística 2(2):12-7, 1997 (In Portuguese). P
12. CAB Pereira; TZ Irony (1998), JASA Book Reviews - Theory of Statistics by Mark J. Schervish, NY: Springer, 1995. 702 pp., JASA 93(4):1651-52. P
13. CAB Pereira; JA Mazzon; L Rosemberg (1998), Elementary School Census: Quality Control. R Brasileira de Estudos Pedagógicos 79:74-82 (In Portuguese). P
14. CAB Pereira (2002), Interview to Sergio Wechsler, ISBA Bulletin 9(2):6-8 P
15. CAB Pereira (2004), O Ombro Amigo do Tio Flávio Acabou! Boletim da ABE 58:20-1, 15/08/04. P
16. CAB Pereira (2005), Voz da Própria Experiência I e II, Boletim da ABE 60:3-4, 15/05/05. P
17. CAB Pereira (2006), Pesquisa de intenção de voto para governador na USP, Jornal do Campus, São Paulo, p. 3 - 3, 29/09/06. P
18. CAB Pereira; S Wechsler (2006), Como Avaliar Incertezas. p-valor, CONRE São Paulo, p. 8 - 8, 01/12/06. P
19. CAB Pereira (2006), Prefácio do livro “Fibromialgia e Fisioterapia” de AP Marques, A Assumpção & LA Matsutani. Editora Manole Barueri. P
19. ISBRA Pereira CAdeB (2013), Encontros com D Lindley, Boletim ISBRA 6(2):2-3 P
20. CAB Pereira; LE de Magalhães; MA Querubin; CR Vilela (1970), Cruzamento preferencial entre selvagem e mutante "ebony" de Drosophila melanogaster. Ciência e Cultura. Resumos 22:135. SJ
21. CAB Pereira (1971), Estimativa da probabilidade a priori em um problema de classificação. Ciência e Cultura. 23(6): 773-86. SJ
22. MN Rabello-Gay; W Beçak; WF de Almeida; P Pigati; MT Ungaro; T Murata; CAB Pereira; (1975), Cytogenetic study on individuals occupationally exposed to DDT, Mutation Research 28:449-54. SJ
23. JMM Lessa; W Beçak; MN Rabello-Gay; CAB Pereira; MT Ungaro (1976), Cytogenetic study of DDT on human lymphocytes, in vitro, Mutation Research 40:131-8. SJ
24. CAB Pereira; EL Lourenço; SM Zucas (1976), Influência da proteína da dieta sobre o desenvolvimento de orgãos de ratos. Ciência e Cultura 28(7):520. SJ
25. CAB Pereira; EL Lourenço; SM Zucas (1980), Influência da proteína da dieta sobre o desenvolvimento de órgãos: Ensaio em ratos, Anais de Farmácia e Química de São Paulo 20(112):254-60. SJ
26. D Basu; CAB Pereira (1981), On Bayesian analysis of categorical survey data. Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, Contributed Papers, 49(2):187-90. SJ
27. S Fahmy; CAB Pereira; F Proschan; M Shaked (1982), The influence of the sample on the posterior distribution. Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 11(16):157-68. SJ
28. R Lacayo; CAB Pereira; F Proschan; E Sarndal (1982), Optimal sample depends on optimality criterion, Scandinavian J Statistics 9(1):47-8. SJ
29. D Basu; CAB Pereira (1982), On the Bayesian analysis of categorical data: the problem of non response. J Statistical Planning & Inference, 6(4):345-62. SJ
30. D Basu; CAB Pereira (1983), A note on Blackwell sufficiency and a Skibinsky characterization of distributions, Sankhyã A 45(1):99-104. SJ
31. D Basu; CAB Pereira (1983), Conditional independence in statistics. Sankhyã A 45(3):324-37. SJ
32. CAB Pereira; J Rodrigues (1983), Robust linear prediction in finite populations. International Statistical Review, 51(3):293-300. SJ
32 - A. CAB Pereira; J Rodrigues (1986), Amendment - Robust linear prediction in finite populations. International Statistical Review, 54(1):115. SJ
33. CAB Pereira; A Rogatko (1984), The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium under a Bayesian perspective. The Braz Journal of Genetics, 7(4):689-707. SJ
34. CAB Pereira; LR Ribeiro; DMF Salvadori; W Beçak (1985), Indução de aberração cromossômica em células somáticas e germinativas de camundongo por inalação de óxido de etileno, Ciência e Cultura (Resumos) 37(7):757. SJ
35. TZ Irony; CAB Pereira (1986), Exact tests for equality of two proportions: Fisher v. Bayes. J Statistical Computation & Simulation 25:93-114. SJ
36. A Rogatko; CAB Pereira; O Frota-Pessoa (1986), A Bayesian method for the estimation of penetrance: application to mandibulofacial and front nasal dysostoses, American Journal of Medical Genetics 24:231-46. SJ
37. CAB Pereira; DV Lindley (1987), Examples questioning the use of partial likelihood, JRSS D (The Statistician) 36:15-20. SJ
38. H Bolfarine; J Rodrigues; CAB Pereira (1987), Robust linear prediction in finite populations: a Bayesian perspective, Sankhyã B 49:23-35. SJ
39. JG Leite; CAB Pereira (1987), An um model for the multi-sample capture/recapture sequential tagging process, Sequential Analysis 6(2):179-86. SJ
40. JG Leite; J Oishi; CAB Pereira (1987), Exact ML estimate of a finite population size: capture/recapture sequential sample data, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Science 1(2):225-35. SJ
41. LR Ribeiro; MN Rabello-Gay; DMF Salvadori; CAB Pereira; W Beçak (1987), Cytogenetic effects of in haled ethylene oxide in somatic and germ cells of mice. Archives of Toxicology 59:332-5. SJ
42. LR Ribeiro; MN Rabello-Gay; DMF Salvadori; CAB Pereira; W Beçak (1987), Activity of ethylene oxide in the mouse sperm morphology yrd, Archives of Toxicology 60:331-3. SJ
43. LR Ribeiro; DMF Salvadori; CAB Pereira; W Beçak (1988), Cytogenetic effects of malathion insecticide on somatic and germ cells of mice, Mutation Research 204:283-7. SJ
44. JG Leite; J Oishi; CAB Pereira; (1988), A note on ML estimation in finite and closed populations, Biometrika 75:178-80. SJ
45. MA Bender; AA Awa; AL Brooks; HJ Evans; PG Groer; L-G Littlefield; CAB Pereira; RJ Preston; BW Wachholz (1988), Current status of cytogenetics procedures to detect and quantify previous exposures to radiation. Mutation Research 196:103-59, 1988. SJ
46. CAB Pereira; LR Pericchi (1990), Analysis of diagnosability, JRSS C (Applied Statistics) 39(2):189-204. SJ
47. E Rizzo; CAB Pereira; FWL Fang; CS Takata; ECN Tenório; MM Pral; IF Mendes; NMF Gallina (1990), Fotossensibilidade e termoestabilidade de vacinas contra sarampo, leofilizadas e/ou reconstituídas para uso. R Saúde Pública 24;54-62. SJ
48. D Basu; CAB Pereira (1990), Blackwell's sufficiency and Bernoulli's experiments. Braz J Probability & Statistics 4;137-45. SJ
49. S Zacks; CAB Pereira; JG Leite (1990), Bayes sequential estimation of the size of a finite population. J Statistical Planning & Inference 25;363-80. SJ
50. JG Leite; CAB Pereira (1990), Bayes estimation of the size of a finite population. International Statistical Review 58(3): 201-13, 1990. SJ
51. CAB Pereira; RE Barlow (1990), Medical Diagnostic Using Influence Diagrams, Networks 20:565-77. SJ
52. CAB Pereira; DMF Salvadori; LR Ribeiro; MDM Oliveira; W Beçak (1992), The protective effect of B-carotene on genotoxicity induced by cyclophosphamide, Mutation Research 265;237-44. SJ
53. CAB Pereira; DMF Salvadori; LR Ribeiro; MDM Oliveira; W Beçak (1992), Beta-carotene as a modulator of chromosomal aberrations induced in mouse bone marrow cells, Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis 20;206-210. SJ
54. CDM Paulino; CAB Pereira (1992), Bayesian analysis of categorical data informatively censored, Communications in Statistics 21(9):2689-705. SJ
55. CAB Pereira; S Wechsler (1993), On the concept of P-Value, Braz J Probability & Statistics 7;159-77. SJ
56. P Iglesias; M Sandoval; CAB Pereira (1993), Predictive likelihood in finite populations, Braz J Probability & Statistics 7;65-82. SJ
57. JG Leite; CAB Pereira; FW Rodrigues (1993), Waiting time to exhaust lottery numbers, Communications in Statistics 22:301-310. SJ
58. RE Barlow; CAB Pereira; S Wechsler (1994), A Bayesian approach to Environmental Stress Screening, Naval Research Logistics 41;215-228. SJ
59. CAB Pereira; A Rogatko (1994), Bayesian estimation of the equilibrium parameter in a Markov Chain: A medical application. R Matemática Estatística 14:103-12. SJ
60. GM Machado; L Mori; CAB Pereira (1994), Prediction of relapse in patients with breast cancer by DNA Cytometry, Analytical Cellular Pathology 7; 301-20. SJ
61. de B Pereira; GM Machado; EM Cerqueira; CT Oliveira (1994), Bio-monitoring of nurses handling antineoplastic drugs, Mutatation Research 322:203- SJ
63. CAB Pereira; EC Miguel; RMR Pereira; L Baer; RE Gomes; LCF Sá; R Hirsch; NG Barros; JM Navarro; V Gentil, (1994), Psychiatric manifestations of systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Clinical fatures, symptoms, and signs of central nervous system activity in 43 patients, Medicine 73(4);224-32. SJ
64. CAB Pereira; CDM Paulino (1994), On identifiability of parametric statistical models. Statistical Methods and Applications 3(3):125-51. SJ
65. JG Leite; CAB Pereira (1994), Urn scheme to obtain properties of Stirling numbers of second kind. Int J Mathematical & Statistical Science 3(2):205-16. SJ
66. TZ Irony; CAB Pereira (1994), Motivation for the correct use of discrete distributions in quality assurance, Test 3(2):181-93. SJ
67. TZ Irony; CAB Pereira (1995), Bayesian hypothesis test: using surface integrals to distribute prior information among the hypotheses, Resenhas 2(1);27-46. SJ
68. VHS Torres; CAB Pereira; RC Tiwari (1997), Convergence of Dirichlet measures arising in the context of Bayesian analysis of competing risk models, J Multivariate Analysis 62(1):24-35. SJ
69. CDM Paulino; CAB Pereira (1995), Bayesian methods for categorical data under informative general censoring, Biometrika 82(2):439-46. SJ
70. AC Fratezi; M Albers; EN De Luccia; CAB Pereira (1995), Outcome and Quality of Life of Patients with Severe Chronic Limb Ischaemia: A Cohort Study on the Influence of Diabetes, Euro J Vascular & Endovascular Surgery 10:459-65 SJ
71. E Nakano; MN Rabello-Gay; CAB Pereira (1996), Evaluation of the genotoxic potential of flumethrin in mouse bone marrow, Teratogenesis, Carcinogenesis, & Mutagenesis 16;37-48. SJ
72. MR Madruga; TH Ochi-lohmann; K Okazaki; CAB Pereira; MN Rabello-Gay (1996), Bayesian Dosimetry II: Credibility Intervals for radiation dose, Environmetrics 7;325-31. SJ
73. MR Madruga; TH Ochi-lohmann; K Okazaki; CAB Pereira; MN Rabello-Gay (1996), Radiosensitivity of blood lymphocytes from basocellular carcinoma patients, as detected by the micronucleus assay, Mutation Research 357;97-106. SJ
74. P Iglesias; CAB Pereira; NI Tanaka (1998), Characterizations of multivariate symmetric distributions in L-infinity norm, Test 7(2): 307-24. SJ
176. Marques-F PC; Pereira CAdeB (2014). Bayesian Analysis of Simple Random Densities. OJStatistics 4:377-90. SJ
177. Bastos EP; Brentani H; Pasini FS; Silva ART; Torres CH; Puga RD; Olivieri EHR; Piovezani AR; Pereira CAdeB; Machado-Lima A; Carraro DM; Brentani MM (2014), MicroRNAs Discriminate Familial from Sporadic Non-BRCA1/2 Breast Carcinoma Arising in Patients ≤35 Years. Plos One 9:e101656. SJ
178. Silva ART; Santos ACF; Farfel JM; Grinberg LT; Ferretti RL; Campos AHJFM; Cunha IW; Begnami MD; Rocha RM; Carraro DM; Pereira CAdeB; Jacob-F W; Brentani H (2014), Repair of Oxidative DNA Damage, Cell-Cycle Regulation and Neuronal Death May Influence the Clinical Manifestation of Alzheimer?s Disease. Plos One 9: e99897. SJ
179. Bhering FL; Pereira CAdeB; Polpo A (2014) Reliability Estimators for the Components of Series and Parallel Systems: The Weibull Model. Applied Mathematics 5:1633-40. SJ
180. Pericchi LR; Pereira CAdeB; Perez ME (2014), Adaptive revised standards for statistical evidence. PNAS 111;5. SJ
181. Marques-F PC; Pereira CAdeB (2014), Predictive Analysis of Microarray Data. OJGenetics 4:63-8. SJ
182. Andrade PdeM; Stern JM;Pereira CAdeB (2014), Bayesian Test of Significance for Conditional Independence: The Multinomial Model. Entropy 16:1376-95. SJ
183. Simões SN; Martins DC; Pereira CAdeB; Hashimoto RF; Brentani H (2015). NERI: network-medicine based integrative approach for disease gene prioritization by relative importance. BMC Bioinformatics 16:S9. SJ
184. Lopes AC; Greenberg BD; Pereira CAdeB; Norén G; Miguel EC (2015), Notice of Retraction and Replacement. Lopes et al. “Gamma ventral capsulotomy for obsessive-compulsive disorder: a randomized clinical trial” JAMA Psychiatry 72:1. SJ
185. Sampaio AS; Hounie AG; Petribú K; Cappi C; Morais I; Vallada H; do Rosário MC; Stewart SE; Fargness J; Mathews C; Arnold P; Hanna GL; Richter M; Kennedy J; Fontenelle L; Pereira CAdeB; Pauls DL; Miguel EC (2015), COMT & MAO-A Polymorphisms & OCD: A Family-Based Association Study. Plos One 10:e0119592. SJ
186. Nunes DN; Dias-Neto E; Cardó M; Edwards JK; Dobroff AS; Giordano RJ; Mandelin J; Brentani HP; Hasselgren C; Yao VJ; Marchiò S; Pereira CAdeB; Passetti F; Calin GA; Sidman RL; Arap W; Pasqualini R (2015) Synchronous down-modulation of miR-17 family members is an early causative event in the retinal angiogenic switch. PNAS 112(12):3770-5: doi/10.1073/pnas.1500008112. SJ
187. Cappi C; Diniz JB; Requena GL; Lourenço T; Lisboa BCG; Batistuzzo MC; Marques AH; Hoexter MQ; Pereira CAdeB; Miguel EC; Brentani H (2016), Epigenetic evidence for involvement of the oxytocin receptor gene in obsessive-compulsive disorder. BMC Neuroscience 17:e79. SJ
188. Sala P; Belarmino G; Machado NM;…; Rodrigues AS; Pereira CAdeB;…; Waitzberg DL (2016) The SURMetaGIT study: Design and rationale for a prospective pan-omics examination of the gastrpintestinal response to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery, J International Medical Research 44(6):1359-75. SJ
189. De Campos C; Pereira CAdeB; Rancoita P; Polpo A (2016), Ordering Quantiles through Confidence Statements. Entropy 18:e357. SJ
190. Diniz JB; Fossaluza V; Pereira CAdeB; Wechsler S (2016), Rain dance: the role of randomization in clinical trials. O A J Clinical Trials 8:21-32. SJ
191. Bastos EP; Brentani H; Pereira CAdeB; Polpo A; Lima L; Puga RD; Pasini FS; Osório CABT; Roela RA; Achatz MI; Trapé AP; Gonzalez-Anguli AM; Brentani MM (2016), A Set of miRNAs, Their Gene and Protein Targets and Stromal Genes Distinguish Early from Late Onset ER Positive Breast Cancer. Plos One 11:e0154325. SJ
192. Pericchi LR; Pereira CAdeB (2016), Adaptative significance levels using optimal decision rules: Balancing by weighting the error probabilities. Braz J of Probability & Statistics 30:10-90. SJ
193. CAB Pereira; OM Barros: JPF Marquesi; BA Gatti (1976), Analysis de la frequence de retino pathie diabetique quant au sexe, age et temps de durée de la Meladie: etude de 563 cas. In: Concilium Ophtalmologicum 22, Acta Paris, Masson. pp. 530-8. C
194. CAB Pereira (1983), On Bayesian analysis of categorical data in finite populations. In 13th Colóquio B Matem, Atas, R Janeiro, IMPA. pp. 207-14. C
195. CAB Pereira: D Basu (1983), A note on Blackwell sufficiency. In: 5th SINAPE, Atas, São Paulo, IME-USP. pp. 183-5. C
196. CA B Pereira (1984), Bayesian Argumentation. In: Taller Regional Sobre Estadítica e Informacion para la Planificacion y Administracion de Programas y Proyectos de Alfabetizacion y Educacion de Adultos, Quito, v. 33. pp 95-9. C
197. CA B Pereira; I.MM Imperatriz; MCC Costa; RMG Sturlini (1985), Método de amostragem para obtenção de dados anuais de movimento bibliográfico: uma proposta para biblioteca universitária. In: 4th Seminário nac. de bibliotecas universitárias, Ed UNICAMP, Campinas pp 300-7. C
198. CAB Pereira (1983), Regras de parada e inferência condicional em tabelas de contingência 2x2. In: 14th Colóquio Bra Mat, Atas 1, R Janeiro, IMPA pp 251-7. C
199. CAB Pereira; H Bolfarine; J Rodrigues (1985), Bayesian robustness in finite populations. In: 14th Colóquio Bra Mat, Atas 1, R Janeiro, IMPA pp 375-82. C
200. CAB Pereira; P Groer (1987), Calibration of a radiation detector: chromosome dosimetry for Neutrons. In: Probability & Bayesian Statistics (R Vierti, ed), Innsbruck, Austria, Plenum. pp 225-32. C
201. CAB Pereira; P Groer; PW Walace (1989), Weight of evidence analysis of long cancer in Colorado plateau uranium miners. In: Low Dose Radiation: Biological Bases of Risk Assessment. Baverstoc & Stather eds Chapter 25 pp. 297-307, Taylor & Francis, London. C
202. CAB Pereira; RE Barlow (1990), Conditional probabilities and probabilistic influence diagrams. In: Topics in Statistical Dependence. eds. HW Block; AR Sampson; TH Savits. IMS. Pittisburgh. pp. 19-44. C
203. CAB Pereira (1990), Influence diagrams and medical diagnosis. In: Influence Diagrams, Belief Nets and Decision Analysis, R Oliver; J Smith eds. pp. 351-8. J Wiley. C
204. CAB Pereira (1991), Statistical test to compare proportions in cytogenetics problems, In: Mutagênese, Teratogênese e Carcinogênese eds. MN Rabelo-Gay; MA Rodrigues; R Monteleone-Neto, SBG, pp 113-21 (In Portuguese). C
205. CAB Pereira; TZ Irony; RE Barlow (1992), Bayesian models for quality assurance, In: Bayesian Statistics 4; Bernardo, Berger, Dawid & Smith eds. Oxford University Press, pp 681-94. C
206. CAB Pereira; RL Milidiu (1992), Mixture models for geo-chemical surfaces, In Anais do 34o Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, pp 4 (In Portuguese). C
208. CAB Pereira; F Nakano; JM Stern (1999), A dynamic software certification and verification procedure. In: Annals of the 5th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis ISAS'99 2:426-35, Orlando. C
209. CAB Pereira; F Nakano; JM Stern (2000), Actuarial Analysis via Branching Processes. In: Annals of the 6th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis ISAS'2000 8:353-8, Orlando. C
210. CAB Pereira; JM Stern (2001), Full Bayesian Significance Tests for Coefficients of Variation. In: Bayesian Methods with Applications to Science, Policy, & Official Statistics. EI George (Editor), ISBA, Creta, pp 391-400. C
211. CAB Pereira; JM Stern (2001), FBST Regularization and Model Selection. In: Annals of the 7th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis ISAS'2001 7:60-5, Orlando, 2001. C
213. Irony TZ; Lauretto M; Pereira CAB; Stern JM (2002), A Weibull wearout test: full Bayesian approach, In: Hayakawa Y, Irony TZ & Xie M (Eds), Systems and Bayesian Reliability, World Scientific, Sigapure, pp 287-300. C
214. CAB Pereira (2006), Standard statistical concepts: can they produce incoherence? In: Allan Rossman & Beth Chance (Org.). ICOTS-7 Conference Proceedings on CD. 7 ed. Amsterdã: International Association for Statistical Education, 3I, p 18-24. C
215. J Barrera; RM Cezar-Jr; DC Martins-Jr; RZN Vêncio; EF Merino; MY Yamamoto; FG Leonardi; CAB Pereira; H Del Portillo (2007), Constructing Probabilistic Genetic Networks of Plasmodium falciparum from Dynamical Expres-sion Signals of the Intraerythrocytic Development Cycle. In: P McConnell; SM Lin; P Hurban (Edts), Methods of Microarray Data Analysis V, Springer, Ch 2: 11-26. C
216. Diniz M; Pereira CAB; Stern JM, FBST for unit root problems, In: Knuth KH; Caticha A; Center-Jr JL; Giffin A; Rodriguez CC (Org.), Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering – 27, Melville: American Institute of Physics Press, 2007, v 27, pp 260-7. C
217. Lauretto MS; Faria SR; Pereira BB; Pereira CAB; Stern JM, The problem of separate hypotheses via mixtures models, In: Knuth KH; Caticha A; Center-Jr JL; Giffin A; Rodriguez CC (org.), Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering – 27, Melville: American Institute of Physics Press, 2007, v 27, pp 268-75. C
218. Stern RB; Pereira CAB, A Possible Foundation for Blackwell's Equivalence. In: Lauretto MS; Pereira CAB; Stern JM (Org.), Bayesian Methods and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering – 28, Melville: AIP - American Institute of Physics Press, 2008, v 28, pp 90-95. C
219. Wechsler S. ; Pereira CAB ; Marques Filho, PC . Birnbaum's Theorem Redux. In: Lauretto, M; Pereira, CAB; Stern, J. (Org.), Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering – 28, Melville: AIP - American Institute of Physics Press, 2008, v. 28, pp 96-102. C
220. Diniz M; Pereira CAB; Stern JM, FBST for Cointegration Problems. In: Lauretto, M; Pereira, CAB; Stern, J. (Org.). Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering – 28, Melville: AIP - American Institute of Physics Press, 2008, v. 28, pp 157-64. C
221. Campos AP; Coque-Jr MA; Pereira CAB, Parallel Systems Using the Weibull Model. In: Lauretto, M; Pereira, CAB; Stern, J. (Org.). Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering – 28, Melville: AIP - American Institute of Physics Press, 2008, v. 28, pp 215-23. C
222. Lauretto MS; Nakano F; Pereira CAB; Stern JM, Hierarquical Forecasting with Functional Trees. In: Lauretto, M; Pereira, CAB; Stern, J. (Org.). Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering – 28, Melville: AIP - American Institute of Physics, Press 2008, v. 28, pp 317-24. C
223. Polpo A; Coque-Jr M; Pereira CAB (2009), Statistical Analysis for Weibull Distributions in Presence of Right and Left Censoring, 978-1-4244-4905-7/09/$25.00©2009 IEEE Xplore 2009: 219-23. C
224. De Mello JFSR; Pereira CAB (2009), Model of credit loss and its use in spread decisions, 2009 Edimburg Conference on Credit Scoring;. C
225. Lauretto MS; Nakano F; Pereira CAB; Stern JM (2009), Hierarchical Forecasting with Polynomial Nets, in: K Nakamatsu, G Phillips-Wren, LC Jain, RJ Howlett (Eds.), New Advances in Intelligent Decision Technologies: Studies in Computational Intelligence V 199, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009;305-15. C
227. Pereira CAB; Silva CB; Diniz JB (2011), Estatística em Psiquiatria, in: Miguel EC; Gentil V; Gattaz WF (Eds.), Clínica Psiquiátrica, Editora Manole, 2011; Capítulo 147, 7 pages. C
229. Stern RB; Pereira CAB (2012), Statistical Information: A Bayesian Perspective, in: Science: Image in Action, B Zavidovique; G Lo Bosco, editors, pp 3-17, World Scientific, Singapore. – The Science and Culture Series – Astrophysics, A Zichini the series editor. C
231. Bhering FL; Polpo A: Pereira CAB (2012), A hierarchical Weibull Bayesian model for series and parallel systems, in: AIP Conference Proceedings 1490: 59-66, doi:, Springer, Secaucus, NJ. C
232. de Melo BAR; Cesar RCC; Pereira CAB (2012), Sample sizes to estimate proportions and correlation, in: AIP Conference Proceedings 1490: 222-9, doi:, Springer, Secaucus, NJ. C
233. Pereira CAB; Campos TF; Silva GM; Wechsler S (2012), Can randomization be informative?, in: AIP Conference Proceedings 1490: 252-8, doi:, Springer, Secaucus, NJ. C
234. Polpo A; Sinha D; Simoni PR; Pereira CAB (2012), A discussion of “On Bayesian estimation of a survival curve: Comparative study and examples”, in: AIP Conference Proceedings 1490: 268-77, doi:, Springer, Secaucus, NJ. C
235. Lauretto M; Nakano F; Pereira CAB; Stern JM (2012), Intentional sampling by goal optimization with decoupling by stochastic perturbation, in: AIP Conference Proceedings 1490: 189-201,, Springer, Secaucus, NJ. C
236. Lauretto M; Nakano F; Pereira CAB; Stern JM (2012), Intentional sampling by goal optimization with decoupling by stochastic perturbation, in: AIP Conference Proceedings 1490: 189-201,, Springer, Secaucus, NJ. C
237. Viviana Giampaoli, Carlos A B Pereira, Heleno Bolfarine, Julio M Singer (2015), Bayes Factors for Comparison of Restricted Simple Linear Regression Coefficients, in: Interdisciplinary Bayesian Statistics - Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 118:111-23. C
238. Victor Fossaluza, Marcelo S Lauretto, Carlos A de B Pereira, Julio M Stern (2015), Combining Optimization and Randomization Approaches for the Design of Clinical Trials, in: Interdisciplinary Bayesian Statistics - Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 118:173-84. C
239. Diniz MA; Pereira CAdeB; Polpo A (2015), Bayesian Semi-parametric Symmetric Models for Binary Data, in: Interdisciplinary Bayesian Statistics - Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 118:323-35. C
240. CAB Pereira; MAG Viana (1982), The Elements of Bayesian Inference. S.L.P. s.c.p. 82p. (In Portuguese). B
241. CAB Pereira (editor) (1993), Statistical Theory - Text for a mini-course in 19th Colóquio Bras Mat, IMPA R Janeiro (In Portuguese). B
242. CAB Pereira (1999), BAD2 - Bayesian Analysis of Discrete Data – Text for a mini-course in 44th REBRAS/8o SEAGRO, Botucatu. B
243. CAB Pereira; JM Stern; C Ribeiro; C Dunder; F Nakano; M Lauretto (2000), Optimization and Stochastic Process Applied to Economics and Finances. A mini-course text in the 51st Seminário de Análise. Florianópolis, (In Portuguese). B
244. CAB Pereira (2002), Estatística Indutiva: Perspectiva Genuinamente Bayesiana. B Horizonte: IV MGEST-Encontro Mineiro de Estatística e Atuária. B
245. CAB Pereira; JM Stern (2005), Inferência Indutiva com Dados Discretos: Uma Visão Genuinamente Bayesiana, COMCA, Antofagasta, 104 pages. B
246. CAB Pereira (2006), Estatística Aplicada: Uma visão Genuinamente Bayesiana ed UNESP Botucatu, 86 pages. B
247. MS Lauretto; CAB Pereira; JM Stern – Editors - (2008), Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy in Science and Engineering – 28, American Institute of Physics Press, 394 pages. B
248. CAB Pereira; A Polpo (2014), Bayesian Statistics with applications to Categorical and Survival data (in Portuguese - Estatística Bayesiana com Aplicações em Dados Categóricos e de Sobrevivência) RBRAS, Campina Grande, 61 pages. B
249. Pereira BB; Pereira CAB (2017), Choice of separate or non-nested models, Springer, Petrópolis, Springer - Briefs in Statistics - 120 pages. B
250. Meeting: Figueiredo CC; Ramires DC; Oliveira MS; Pereira CAdeB (2003), Sample Size Determination for Dichotomous Finite Populations: Bayesian Perspective. Escola de Regressão: Conservatório, RJ. A
252. Congresso: Vêncio RZ; Sanches LG; Taub A; Araújo C; Felix MM; Garrido GE; Pereira CAdeB; Amaro-Jr E (2006), Dotslashen: a Bayesian decision support system for fMRI clinical investigation, Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 14:2866. A
253. Report: Lauretto M; Pereira CAdeB; Stern JM (2002), Comparing Parameters of Two Bivariate Normal Distributions using the Invariant Full Bayesian Significance Test, Submitted. A
254. Preceding: Varuzza L; Pereira CAdeB (2008), Comparative Enumeration Gene Expression, Nature Precedings : doi:10.1038/npre.2008.2002.2 : Posted 27 Aug 2008. A
255. Fossaluza V; Esteves LG; Pereira CAdeB (2013), Estimation of Multivariate Discrete Distributions through Bernstein Copulas, Submitted. A
256. Oliveira NL; Pereira CAB; Diniz MD; Polpo A (2016) Significance indices for established hypotheses in contingency tables. arXiv:1611.08862. A
257. Paper: Cantinha RS; Borrely SI; Oguiura N; Pereira CAB; Rigolon MM; Nakano E (2017), HSP70 expression in Biomphalaria glabrata snails exposed to cadmium. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 140:18-23. A
258. Costa D; Barbosa V; Requena G; Shavitt R; Pereira CAB; Diniz JB (2017), Dissecting the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale severity scale to understand the routes for symptomatic improvement in obsessive-compulsive disorder, Journal of Psychopharmacology first published, 26 April 2017. A
75. CAB Pereira; EMM Cerqueira; CL Santoro; NF Donozo; BA Freitas; RG Bevilacqua; GM Machado-Santelli (1998), Genetic damage in exfoliated cells of the uterine cervix: Association and interaction between cigarette smoking and progression to malignal transformation? Acta Cytologica 42;639-49, 1998. SJ
76. RCS dos Santos; CJ Lindsey; OP Ferraz; JR Pinto; RS Mirandola; FJ Benesi; EH Birgel; CAB Pereira; W Becak (1998), Bovine Papillomavirus transmission and chromosomal aberrations: an experimental model, J General Virology 79;2127-35. SJ
77. CAB Pereira; JM Stern (1999), Evidence and credibility: Full Bayesian significance test of precise hypothesis, Entropy Journal 1:99-110. SJ
78. AMS Bueno; CAB Pereira; MN Rabello-Gay (2000), Environmental genotoxicity evaluation using cytogenetic end-points in wild rodents, Environmental Health Perspectives 108:1165-9. SJ
79. TZ Irony; CAB Pereira; RC Tiwari (2000), Analysis of Opinion Swing: Comparison of two correlated proportions, The American Statistician 54:57-62. SJ
80. MAG Viana; CAB Pereira (2000), Statistical Assessment of jointly observed screening tests, Biometrical Journal 42(7);855-64. SJ
81. CAB Pereira; JM Stern (2001), Model selection for environmental data: Full Bayesian approach, Environmetrics 12(6);559-68. SJ
82. LE Montoya-Delgado; TZ Irony; CAB Pereira; MR Whittle (2001), An unconditional exact test for the Hardy-Weimberg Equilibrium Law: Sample space ordering using the Bayes Factor, Genetics 158:875-83. SJ
83. FC Brochado-Neto; M Albers; CAB Pereira; J Gonzales; M Cinelli Jr (2001), Prospective comparison of arm veins and greater saphenous veins as infrageniculate by pass grafts, Euro J Vascular & Endovascular Sur 22(2):146-51. SJ
84. M Albers; M Romiti; CAB Pereira; RLA Fonseca; AM da Silva Jr (2001), A Meta-analysis of Infrainguinal Arterial Reconstruction in Patients with End-stage Renal Disease, Euro J Vascular & Endovascular Surgery 22(4):294-300. SJ
85. AMS Bueno; CAB Pereira; MN Rabello-Gay; JM Stern (2002), Environmental Genotoxicity Evaluation: Bayesian Approach for a Mixture Statistical Model, "SERRA" Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment 16(4):267-78. SJ
86. VHS Torres; CAB Pereira; RC Tiwari (2002), Bayesian nonparametric estimation in a series system or a competing-risks model, J Nonparametric Statistics 14(4):449-58, 2002. SJ
87. MR Madruga; CAB Pereira; JM Stern (2002). Bayesian evidence test for precise hypotheses. J Statistical Planning & Inference 117:185-98. SJ
88. M Albers; N Romiti; VM Battistello; AAE Rodrigues; CAB Pereira (2003), A Meta-Analysis of Polytetrafluoroethylene bypass grafts to the infrapopliteal arteries, J Vascular Surgery 37:1263-69. SJ
89. Nakano E; Watanabe LC; Ohlweiler FP; Pereira CAB (2003), Establishment of the dominant lethal test in the freshwater mollusk Biomphalaria glabrata (Say, 1818), Mutation Research 536:145-54. SJ
90. Lauretto MS; Pereira CAB; Stern JM; Zacks S (2003), Full Bayesian Significance Test Applied to Multivariate Normal Structure Models. Braz J Probability & Statistics 17:147-68. SJ
91. Vencio RZN; Bretani H; Pereira CAB (2003), Using credibility intervals instead of hypothesis tests in SAGE analysis, Bioinformatics 19:2461-64. SJ
92. Marques AP; Ferreira EAG; Matsutani LA; Assumpção A; Capela CE; Pereira CAB (2004), The Effects of Stretch Exercises on Pain, Flexibility and Quality of Life in Pacients with Fibromyalgia, R Fisioterapia em Movimento 17 (4):35-41. SJ
93. Pagano T; Matsutani LA; Ferreira EAG; Marques AP; Pereira CAB (2004), Assessment of Anxiety in Quality of Life in Fibromyalgia Patients, São Paulo Medical Journal 122(6):252-8. SJ
94. Vencio RZN; Brentani H; Patrao DFC; Pereira CAB (2004), Bayesian model accounting for within-class biological variability in SAGE, BMC Bioinformatics 5;119 doi:10.1186/1471-2105-5-119. SJ
95. Tavares HR; Andrade DF; Pereira CAB (2004), Detection of determinant genes and diagnostic via item response theory. Genetics & Molecular Biology 27:679-85. SJ
96. Baptista CS; Vencio RZN; Aabdala S; Valadares MP; Martins C; Pereira CAB; Zingales B (2004), DNA microarrays for comparative genomics and analysis of gene expression in Tripanosoma cruzi, Molec. & Bioch. Parasitology 138: 183-94. SJ
97. Tallarico LF; Okazaki, K; Kawano T; Pereira CAB; Nakano E (2004), Dominant Lethal Effect of 60Co Gamma Radiation in Biomphalaria glabrata (SAY, 1818). Mutation Research 561(1-2):139-45. SJ
98. Albers M; Romiti M; Pereira CAB; Antonini M; Wulkan M (2004), Meta-analysis of allograft bypass grafting to infrapopliteal arteries. European J Vascular & Endovascular Surgery 28:462-72 SJ
99. Iglesias-Zuazola P; Matus C; Pereira CAB; Tanaka NI (2004), On finite sequences conditionally uniform given minima and maxima, Sankhyã 66(3):428-39. SJ
100. Nunes LR; Oliveira RC; Leite DB; Silva VS; Marques ER; Ferreira MES; Ribeiro DCD; Bernardes LA; Goldman MHS; Puccia R; Travassos LR; Batista WL; Nóbrega MP; Nóbrega FG; Yang DY; Pereira CAB; Goldman G (2005), Transcriptome analysis of paracoccidioides brasiliensis cells undergoing the mycelium-to-yeast transition, Eukariotic Cell 4(12):2115-28. SJ
101. Albers M; Romiti M; Brochado-Neto FC; Pereira CAB (2005), Meta-analysis of alternate autologous vein bypass grafts to infrapopliteal arteries, J. Vascular Surgery 42(3):449e1-e8. SJ
102. Dichtchekenian V; Pereira CAB; Kuperman H; Della Manna T; Damiani D; Alves VAF; Longato-Filho A; Setian N (2005), Adrenocortical Carcinoma: Prognostic Indices Based on Clinical and Immunohistochemical Markers, J Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism 18(4): 347-54. SJ
103. Fernandes-Bezerra C; Pein O; Oliveira TR; Yamamoto MM; Cassola AC; Rocha C; Soares IS; Pereira CAB; del Portillo HÁ (2005), Variant Proteins of Plasmodium vivax are not clonally expressed in natural infections, Molecular Microbiology 58(3):648-58. SJ
104. Pereira B de B; Pereira CAB (2005) A likelihood approach to diagnostic tests in clinical medicine, Statistical Journal - Revstat 3(1): 77-98. SJ
105. Marques AP; Ferreira EAG; Matsutani LA; Pereira CAB; Aassumpção A (2005), Quantifying Pain Threshold & Quality of Life of Fibromyalgia Patients, Clinical Rheumatology 24(3):266-271. SJ
106. Terzi FSP; Rocha FR; Vencio RZN; Oliveira KC; Felix JM; Vicentini R; Rocha CS; Simões ES; Ulian EC; Mauro SMZ; Silva AM; Pereira CAB; Menossi M; Souza GM (2005), Transcription Profiling of Signal Transduction-Related Genes in Sugarcane Tissues, DNA Research 12:27-38. SJ
107. CAB Pereira (2005), Statistics Concepts: Reflections (in Portuguese, with discussions), R Brasileira de Estatística 66(225):7-49. SJ
108. Madruga MR; CAB Pereira (2005), Power of FBST: Standard examples, Estadística 57(68 y 169):1-9 SJ
109. Baptista CS, Vêncio RZN, Abdala S, Carranza JC, Westenberger SJ, Silva MN, Pereira CAB, Galvão LMC, Gontijo ED, Chian E, Sturm NR, Zingales B (2006) Differential transcript profiles in Trypanosoma cruzi associated with clinical forms of Chagas disease: maxicircle NADH dehydrogenase subunit 7 gene truncation in asymptomatic patient isolates, Molecular & Biochemical Parasitology 150(2):236-48. SJ
110. Marques AP, Santos AMB, Assumpção A, Matsutani, LA, Lage, LV, Pereira, CAB (2006), Validação da Versão Brasileira do Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ). R Bras Reumatologia. 46(1):24-31. SJ
111. Santos AMB; Assumpção A; Matsutani, LA; Lage, LV; Pereira CAB; Marques AP (2006), Depressão e qualidade de vida em pacientes com fibromialgia. R Brasileira de Fisioterapia 10:317-24. SJ
112. Marotti J: Vieira GF; Pereira CAB (2006), Relação entre dureza e o manchamento das resinas compostas. RPG - R Pós-Graduação (FO-USP) 13:168-74. SJ
113. Albers M; Romiti M; Brochado-Neto FC; De Luccia N; Pereira CAB (2006), Meta-analysis of popliteal-to-distal vein bypass grafts for critical ischemia, J. Vascular Surgery 43(3):498 SJ
114. Pereira CE; Albers M; Romiti M; Brochado-Neto FC; Pereira CAB (2006), An updated meta-analysis of infraquinal arterial reconstruction with patients with end-stage renal disease, J Vascular Surgery 45(3):510. SJ
115. Vêncio RZN; Koide T; Gomes SL; Pereira CAB (2006), BayGO: Bayesian analysis of ontology term enrichment in microarray data, BMC Bioinformatics 7:86 doi:10.1186/1471-2105-7-86. SJ
116. Vêncio RZ; Patrao DFC; Pereira CAB; Baptista CS; Zingales B (2006), Bay-Boots: Non-parametric kernel and Bayesian bootstrap to detect differential gene expression, Genetics & Molecular Research 5 (1):138-142. SJ
117. Pereira CAB; Nakano F; Stern, JM; Whittle MR (2006) Genuine Bayesian multiallelic significant test for the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium law, Genetics & Molecular Research 5:619-31. SJ
118. Albers M; Romiti M; De Luccia N; Brochado-Neto FC; Nishimoto I; Pereira CAB (2007), An updated meta-analysis of infraquinal arterial reconstruction with patients with end-stage renal disease. J. Vascular Surgery 45(3):436-42. SJ
119. Matsutani LA; Marques AP; Ferreira EAG; Assumpção A; Lage LV; Cassarotto RA; Pereira CAB (2007), Effectiveness of muscle stretching exercises with and without laser therapy at tender points for patients with fibromyalgia, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 25:410-5. SJ
120. Vêncio RZN; Varuzza L; Pereira CAB; Brentani H; Shmulevich I (2007), Simcluster: clustering enumeration gene expression data on the simplex space, BMC Bioinformatics 8:246. SJ
121. Nakata ACG; Diniz JB; Torres AR; Mathis MA de; Fossaluza V; Pereira CAB; Ferrão Y; Miguel EC (2007), Level of Insight and Clinical Features of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder with and Without Body Dysmorphic Disorder, CNS Spectrums 12:295-303. SJ
122. De Caroli A; Vieira GF; Pereira CAB (2007), Prevalência de indivíduos cor deficientes entre alunos de odontologia, R ABENO–Ass. Bras. Ensino da Odontologia 7(2):117-21. SJ
123. Fernandez PJ; Lauretto MS; Pereira CAB; Stern JM (2007), A new media optimizer base on the mean-variance model, Pesquisa Operacional 27(3);427-56. SJ
124. Pereira CAB; Stern JM; Wechsler S (2008), Can a significance test be genuinely Bayesian? Bayesian Analysis 3(1):79-100 - SJ
125. MA de Mathis; MC do Rosário; JB Diniz; AR Torres; RG Shavitt; YA Ferrão; V Fossaluza; CAB Pereira; EC Miguel (2008), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder & Comorbidity patterns: Influence of age at on set, Euro Psychiatry 23(3):187-94. SJ
126. Aguiar AS ; Pereira CAB (2008), Weight of Evidence, Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões 35:141-5. SJ
127. Grazeffe V; Tallarico L; Pinheiro A; Kawano T; Suzuki M; Okazaki K; Pereira C; Nakano E (2008), Establishment of the comet assay in the freshwater snail Biomphalaria glabrata (Say, 1818), Mutation Research: Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis 654:58-63. SJ
128. Marques AP; Assumpção A; Matsutani LA; Pereira CAB; Lage LV (2008), Pain in fibromialgia and discriminative power of the instruments: visual analogic scale, dolorimetry and the McGill pain questionnaires, Acta Reumatológica Portuguesa 33;345-51. SJ
129. Hounie A; Cappi C; Cordeiro Q; Sampaio A; Moraes I; Rosario M; Palacios S; Goldberg A; Vallada H; Machado-Lima A; Nakano E; Kalil J; Pauls D; Pereira CAB; Guilherme L; Miguel EC (2008), TNF-alpha polymorphisms are associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder, Neuroscience Letters 442:86-90. SJ
130. Silveira NJF; Varuzza L; Machado-Lima A; Lauretto MS; Pinheiro DG; Rodrigues RV; Severino P; Nobrega FG; Head and Neck Genome Project Gencapo; Silva-Jr WA; Pereira CAB; Tajara EH (2008), Searching for molecular markers in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) by statistical and bioinformatic analysis of larynx-derived SAGE libraries, BMC Medical Genomics 1:56. SJ
131. Romiti M; Albers M; Brochado-Neto F; Durazzo A; Pereira CAB; DeLuccia N (2008), Meta-analysis of infrapopliteal angioplasty for chronic critical limb ischemia, J Vascular Surgery 47; 975-81. SJ
132. Pereira CAB; Stern JM (2008), Special characterizations of standard discrete distributions, REVSTAT Statistics Journal 6:199-230. SJ
133. Lauretto MS; Pereira CAB; Stern JM (2008), the FBST for Mixture Models: Results in Gene Expression Clustering, Genetics & Molecular Research 7; 883-97. SJ
134. Seixas AAA; Hounie AG; Fossaluza V; Curi M; Alvarenga PG; Mathis MA; Mathis ME; Vallada H; Pauls D; Pereira CAB; Miguel EC (2008), Anxiety Disorders and Rheumatic Fever: Is There an Association?, DNS Spectrums 13(12):1039-46. SJ
134-A. Miguel EC; Ferrão YA; Do Rosário MC; De Mathis MA; Torres AR; Fontenelle LF; Hounie AG; Shavitt RG; Cordioli AV; Gonzalez CH; Petribú K; Diniz JB; Malavazzi DM; Torresan RC; Raffin AL; Meyer E; Braga DT; Borcato S; Valério C; Gropo LN; Prado HDS; Perin EA; Santos SI; Copque H; Borges MC; Lope AP; Da Silva ED; Sampaio AS; Hounie AG; Seixas AA; Gentil A; Taub A; Lopes AC; Lima AM; D'Alcante CC; Cappi C; Da Silva CB; Pimentel I; Morais I; Diniz JB; Batistuzzo M; Hoexter M; De Mathis ME; Joaquim MA; Alvarenga P; Chacon P; Cordeiro Q; Shavitt RG; Borcatto S; Pereira CADB; Fossaluza V; Gonzales CH; Rezende AP; Mastrorosa RS; Ribeiro TC; Ramos-Cerqueira ATA; Trench ÉV; Assunção MC; Torresan RC; Fontenelle LF; Lopes AP; Borges MC; De Almeida AG; Santos SN; Iego S; Toniolo AG; Machado C; Pontual D; Domingues E; Sidrim I; Oliveira J; Gropo L; Lima Filho LE; Pires M; Rabelo PJ; Raffin AL; Braga D; Da Silva EM; De Souza FP; Bins H; Niederauer K; Lovato L; Basso M (2008), The Brazilian Research Consortium on Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders: Recruitment, assessment instruments, methods for the development of multicenter collaborative studies and preliminary results, RBP - Braz J Psychiatry 30(3):185-96 SJ
135. Polpo A; Pereira CAB (2009), Reliability Nonparametric Bayesian Estimation in Parallel Systems, IEEE Transactions on Reliability 58(2):364-73 SJ
136. Iglesias P; Loschi RH; Pereira CAB; Wechsler S (2009), A note on extendibility and predictivistic inference in finite populations, BJPS 23(2):216-26. SJ
137. Alvarenga PG; Floresi AC; Torres AR; Hounie AG; Fossaluza V; Gentil AF; Pereira CAB; Miguel EC (2009), Higher Prevalence of Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders in Rheumatic Fever, General Hospital Psychiatry 31(2): 178-80. SJ
138. Lauretto MS; Nakano F; Faria-Jr RF; Pereira CAB; Stern JM (2009), Straightforward Multiallelic Significance Test for the HWE Law, Genetics & Molecular Biology 32(3):619-25. SJ
139. Diniz J; Shavitt R; Pereira CAB; Hounie A; Pimentel I; Koran L; Dainesi S; Miguel E (2010), Quetiapine versus clomipramine in the augmentation of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder: a randomized, open-label trial, Journal of Psychopharmacology 24:297-307. SJ
140. Cordeiro Q; Cappi C; Sampaio AS; Palácios AS; Pereira CAB; Shavitt RG; Miguel EC; Guilherme L; Hounie AG (2009), Association study between the -62A/T NFKBIL1 polymorphism and obsessive-compulsive disorder, R Bras. Psiquiatria 31(2):131-5. doi: 10.1590/S1516-44462009000200009 SJ
141. Rosario MC, Prado HS, Borcato S, Diniz JB, Shavitt RG, Hounie AG, Mathis ME, Mastrorosa RS, Velloso P, Perin EA, Fossaluza V, Pereira CAB, Geller D, Leckman J, Miguel E (2009), Validation of the University of São Paulo Sensory Phenomena Scale: Initial Psychometric Properties, DNS Spectrums 14(6):315-23. SJ
142. Assumpcao A, Cavalcante AB, Capela CE, Sauer JF, Chalot SD, Pereira CA, Marques AP (2009); Prevalence of fibromyalgia in low socioeconomic status population. BMC Musculoskelet Disorder 10(1):64. SJ
143. Cordeiro Q; Cappi C; Sampaio AS; Palácios AS; Pereira CAB; Shavitt RG; Miguel EC; Guilherme L; Hounie AG (2009), Association study between -62A/T NFKBILL1 polymorphism and obsessive-compulsive disorder, R B Psiquiatria 31(2): 131-5. SJ
145. Campiteli MG; Soriani FM; Malavazi I; Kinouchi O; Pereira CAB; Goldman GH (2009), A reliable measure of similarity based on dependency for short time series: an application to gene expression networks, BMC Bioinformatics 10:270 SJ
146. Estevam EC; Nakano E; Kawano T; Pereira CAB; Amâncio FF; Melo AMMA (2006), Dominant Lethal Effects of 2,4-D in Biomphalaria glabrata (SAY, 1818), Mutation Research: Genetic Toxicology & Environ Mutagenesis 609:83-8. SJ
147. Mathis MA; Diniz JB; Shavitt RG; Torres AR; Ferrão YA; Fossaluza V; Pereira CAB; Miguel EC; Rosario MC (2009), Early Onset Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder With and Without Tics, CNS Spectrums 14(7):362-70. SJ
148. Rapado LN; Nakano E; Ohlweiler FP; Kato MJ; Yamaguchi LF; Pereira CAB; Kawano T (2011), Molluscicidal and ovicidal activities of plant extracts of Piperaceae on Biomphalaria glabrata (Say, 1818), J Helminthology 84(1);66-72. SJ
149. Fossaluza V; Diniz JB; Pereira BB; Miguel, EC; Pereira, CAB (2009), Sequential allocation to balance prognostic factors in a psychiatric clinical trial Clinics 64:511-8. SJ
150. Lacaze DHC; Sacco ICN; Rocha LE; Pereira CAB; Casarotto RA (2010), Stretching and joint mobilization exercises reduce call-center operators' musculoskeletal discomfort and fatigue. Clinics 65:657-62. SJ
150-A. Assumpção A; Pagano T; Matsutani LA; Ferreira EAG; Pereira CAB; Marques AP (2010), Quality of life and discriminating power of two questionnaires in fibromyalgia patients: Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire and Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey, Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia, 14(4):284-9. SJ
151. Varuzza L; Pereira CAB (2010), Significance test for comparing digital gene expression profiles: Partial likelihood application, Chilean J Statistics 1(1):91-102, SJ
152. Diniz M; Polpo A; Pereira CAB; Stern JM; Wechsler S (2012), Relationship between frequentist and Bayesian significance indices, International J for Uncertainty Quantification 2(2):161-72. SJ
153. Diniz M; Pereira CAB; Stern JM (2011), Unit Roots: Bayesian Significance Test, Communications in Statistics-Theory & Methods, 40:4200-13 SJ
154. Diniz JB; Shavitt RG; Fossaluza V; Koran L; Pereira CAB; Miguel EC (2011), A Double-Blind, Randomized, Controlled Trial of Fluoxetine Plus Quetiapine or Clomipramine Versus Fluoxetine Plus Placebo for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. J Clinical Psychopharmacology, 31;763-8. SJ
155. Diniz M; Pereira CAB; Stern JM (2012), Cointegration: Bayesian Significance Test, Communications in Statistics-Theory & Methods, 41(19): 3562-74. SJ
156. Brentani H; Nakano EY; Martins CB; Izbicki R; Pereira CAB (2011), Disequilibrium coefficient: Bayesian perspective, Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology 10(1): Article 22. SJ
157. Aires GMA; Meireles JRC; Oliveira PC; Oliveira JL; Araujo EL; Pires BC; Cruz ESA; Jesus NF; Pereira CAB; Cerqueira EMM (2011), Micronuclei as biomarkers for evaluating the risk of malignant transformation in the uterine cervix, Genetics and Molecular Research, 10:1558-64. SJ
158. Dorea LTM; Meireles JRC; Lessa JPR; Oliveira MC; Pereira CAB; Campos AP; Cerqueira EMM (2011), Chromosomal Damage and Apoptosis in Exfoliated Buccal Cells from Individuals with Oral Cancer, International J of Dentistry, v2012, Article ID 457054, 6 pages, doi:10.1155/2012/457054 SJ
159. Araf LN; Pereira CAB; Machado RS; Raguza D; Kawakami E (2010), Helicobacter pylori and Iron-deficiency Anemia in Adolescents in Brazil, Journal of Pediatrics Gastroenterology & Nutrition SJ 51(4):477-80
160. Diniz J; Fossaluza V; Belotto-Silva C; Shavitt RG; Pereira CAdeB (2015), Possible solutions to the shortcomings of the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale. Medical Express 2:1-6. SJ
161. Isbicki R; Fossaluza V; Hounie AG; Nakano EY; Pereira CAB (2011), Testing allele homogeneity: The problem of nested hypotheses, BMC Genetics 13:103. SJ
162. Stern RB; Pereira CAB (2012), Statistical Information: A Bayesian Perspective, Entropy 14(11):2254-64. SJ
163. Maschiettoa M; Silva AR; Puga RD; Lima L; Pereira CAB; Nakano EY; Mello B; Gama CS; Belmonte-de-Abreu P; Carraro DM; Palha JA; Brentani H (2012), Gene expression of peripheral blood lymphocytes may discriminate patients with schizophrenia from controls, Psychiatric Research 200(2):1018-21 (supplement material in 164SM) SJ
164. MA Mathis; JB. Diniz; AG Hounie; RG Shavitt, V Fossaluza; Y Ferrão; JF Leckman; CAB Pereira; MC Rosario; EC Miguel (2013), Trajectory in obsessive-compulsive disorder, co- morbidities, European Neuropsychopharmacology 23 (7):594-601. SJ
165. LN Rapado, A de S Pinheiro; PO de Moraes; V Lopes; HH Fokoue; MT Scotti; JV Marques; FP Ohlweiler; SI Borrely; CAB Pereira; MJ Kato; E Nakano; LF Yamaguchi (2013), PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 7(6); e2251. SJ
166. Polpo A; Sinha D; Pereira CAB (2013), Nonparametric Bayesian Estimation of Reliability in Coherent Systems, IEEE Reliability 62(2):455-65. SJ
167. Stern JM; Pereira CAdeB (2013), Bayesian epistemic values: focus on surprise, measure probability! Logic Journal of the IGPL 22:236-54. SJ
168. Diniz JB; Costa DL; Cassab RC; Pereira CAdeB; Miguel EC; Shsvitt RG (2014) The impact of comorbid body dysmorphic disorder on the response to sequential pharmacological trials for obsessive-compulsive disorder, J Psychopharmacology 28(6):603-11. SJ
169. Cantinha RS; Borrely SI; Oguiura N; Polpo A; Pereira CAdeB (2013), Thermotolerance and induction of HSP70 in Biomphalaria glabrata (Say, 1818). Greener Journal of Cell and Animal Biology 1:1-7. SJ
170. Marques AP; Mendes Y; Taddey U; Pereira CAdeB; Assumpção A (2013), Brazilian-Portuguese translation and cross cultural adaptation of the activities-specific balance confidence (ABC) scale. Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia 17:170-8. SJ
171. Rapado LN; Pinheiro AdeS; Lopes PO; de Moraes V; Fokoue HH; SCOTTI MT; Marques JV; Ohlweiler FP; Borrely SI; Pereira CAdeB; Kato MJ; Nakano E; Yamaguchi LF (2013), Schistosomiasis Control Using Piplartine against Biomphalaria glabrata at Different Developmental Stages. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 7:e2251. SJ
172. Cappati KRK; Tonella RM; Damascena AS; Pereira CAdeB; Caruso P (2013), Interobserver agreement rate of the spontaneous breathing trial. J Critical Care 28:62-8. SJ
173. Lopes AC; Greenberg BD; Canteras MM; Batistuzzo MC; Hoexter MQ; Gentil AF; Pereira CAdeB; et all and Diniz JB; Miguel EC (2014) Gamma Ventral Capsulotomy for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. JAMA Psychiatry 71:1066-76. SJ
174. Tallarico LdeF et al and Pereira CAdeB; Nakano E(2014), Developmental toxicity, acute toxicity and mutagenicity testing in freshwater snails Biomphalaria glabrata (Mollusca: Gastropoda) exposed to chromium and water samples. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 110:208-15. SJ